You are here: 4. Point of Sale > 4.4. POINT OF SALE Menu: Transaction Processing > 4.4.4. Point of Sale - Credit Creation > Creating a New Credit Note

Creating a New Credit Note

To create a new customer credit:


Micronet displays the Enter Credit Transaction screen.

  1. In the Debtors Number field, leave the default CASH for non-account customers.
  1. Alternatively, if the customer has an account with your company, delete the word CASH in this field and enter or select the ID of the debtor you are creating the credit note for.

You can use a partial key search by pressing the Enter key to display the Debtor Selection screen.


Technical Tip

The Debtors Number field always defaults to CASH.

When you have entered or selected a debtor, Micronet displays a warning that you are about to generate a credit.

  1. Select Yes to continue entering the credit note details.

Micronet displays the Credit Transaction Header screen.

For information about using this screen, refer to "Maintaining the Credit Transaction Header".